Greywolf - TIL experience

Dublin Core


Greywolf - TIL experience


Uku Littlehawk, Phillip, and Greywolf.
Greywolf applying sheetrock
Nvwoti Utana painting.
Red and Golden doorway to the Urban Reservation.
Littlehawk Uku in a Tenant Meeting.
View from the roof of 161st St. and Melrose Ave. before reconstruction.
View from the roof of 161st St. and Melrose Ave. before reconstruction.
urban reservation (1).jpg
Architects who assisted with reconstruction.jpg
Installing insulation - wood now illegal.jpg
Tub that ran for 9 mo.'s.jpg
Tommy Blackhorse applying sheetrock.jpg
water damage.jpg
recycling and broken trash cans.jpg


“Greywolf - TIL experience,” (Dis)Placed Urban Histories: Melrose, accessed September 17, 2024,